I'm beginning my quest for shopping for a high chair for Riley in anticipation Santa Clause. I'm hoping my blog stalkers and lurkers will offer up some suggestions from experience. I've read about the bottom side of the tray to the "crotch bar" being attached to the seat rather than the tray. I'm hoping to start shopping around for one this weekend, but would love some suggestions from other mom's.
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we have the graco mealtime -
http://www.target.com/Graco-Mealtime-Highchair-Grove-Park/dp/B000PBXAII/qid=1226676738/ref=br_1_16/192-4627267-3965038?ie=UTF8&node=1041930&frombrowse=1&pricerange=&index=tgt-mf-mv&field-browse=1041930&rank=pmrank&rh=&page=1 - i don't know if this link will work or not. we love it! claire has had several "accidents" and i just removed the cover and threw it in the washing machine and then hung it to dry. the tray and cover are easy to wipe clean. it has wheels too so i can wheel her around the kitchen with me while i'm cooking. hope this helps :)
We have a Graco...It is 4 years old, but in good shape...Come over and take a look.
We have a chicco from Babies R Us. We really like it so far. Easy to clean for the most part (Anna is pretty messy!), very sturdy, rolls around, and folds up nicely too. Although it does have the bar attached to the tray instead of the seat, it has a five point harness that keeps her in place really well. Believe me, she has tested that one out!! Most of our friends have this same one and are happy with it too. :)
Chicco - Polly. It is light weight, extra cute (a variety of colors available), and compact to roll into a closet for storage if needed.
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